Friday, 20 March 2015

Digital Drawing of Jack Nicholson

The image...

The speed painting...

Digital Study

Quick digital study from life

Photography (Cheshire)

Digital Drawing of Kevin Spacey (Jonathan Irons from Call of Duty)


Speed painting...

Digital Drawing of Bill from Left4Dead

Another piece based on a game, this drawing is of a character called 'Bill' from the game 'Left 4 Dead'. He's my favorite out of the four human characters you can play as. I've spent many, many hours, more than i'd like to admit (very proud of), playing as this guy so I thought I'd give drawing him a bash. Sadly there's no speed painting of this one as he's on of my early digital drawings and I hadn't quite got the hang of capturing software. 

Eye Studies

Photography (Cheshire)

Digital painting of a Night Hunter from Dying Light

I've recently bought the game 'Dying Light' which is a zombie horror survival game for those of you who font know. I thought it would be great to draw from and also an interesting image to record and add to my small collection of speed paintings on my YouTube channel (

The final image...

The speed painting...